Support and License

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Choose from Free Open Source or Premium Enterprise Packages with Expert Support.


Get open source/community components for free on your infrastructure

  • VideoTranscoding
  • Transcoding Strategies (A-Z)
  • TaskManagement
  • CallbackManager
  • SystemRadar
  • Community Support
  • Github Issues
  • Community Forum
  • Reddit & Discord
  • Get Started Now


Get important enterprise components for open source projects and institutes

  • VideoTranscoding
  • Transcoding Strategies (A-Z)
  • TaskManagement
  • CallbackManager
  • SystemRadar
  • Dashboard
  • Community Support
  • Github Issues
  • Community Forum
  • Reddit & Discord
  • Contact US


Get all enterprise components and our experts support

  • VideoTranscoding
  • Transcoding Strategies (A-Z/V,S-C/V,F-F/V)
  • TaskManagement
  • CallbackManager
  • SystemRadar
  • HouseKeeper
  • Dashboard
  • SafeGuard
  • CrashReporter
  • Dedicated support
  • Calls, Email, Chat
  • Panic Button 3X
  • Direct 1-to-1 Engineer
  • Contact US

Frequently Asked Questions

Discover answers to common questions about Rasbora’s plans and pricing. Get clarity on free open source vs. premium packages and expert support.

Rasbora is a distributed, scalable open-source video transcoding solution with hardware acceleration, providing an alternative to mainstream cloud video transcoding services.

Rasbora offers hardware acceleration options such as CPU/x86-64 (Intel), CPU/ARM64, GPU/Apple Silicon, GPU/Nvidia, and GPU/AMD for lightning-fast performance.

Rasbora provides dynamic monitoring solutions through tools like Prometheus, Grafana, and Redis/Streams, enabling users to keep eyes on real-time processing.

Rasbora offers free open-source components with community support, as well as premium enterprise packages with expert support, catering to both open-source projects and institutes and enterprise needs.

The free open-source package includes essential components like VideoTranscoding, TaskManagement, CallbackManager, and SystemRadar with community support, while the premium enterprise package offers additional components like HouseKeeper, Dashboard, SafeGuard, and CrashReporter with expert support and additional communication channels.

Rasbora provides a range of support channels for its enterprise clients, including dedicated support, calls, email, and chat. Additionally, we offer a ‘Panic Button’ feature for immediate assistance and direct 1-to-1 access to engineers.

Rasbora’s enterprise pricing model takes into account factors such as the hardware configuration deployed and the workload demands of the user’s environment.